童年的逆襲 Childhood Memories Collapsed
The Pier-2 Art Center /Kaosiung, Taiwan
Time: 2017-09-09~2017-11-26
Open: Mon to Thu: 10.00-18.00 Fri to Sun/National Holidays: 10.00-20.00
週一至週四 10am-6pm;週五至週日及國定假日 10am-8pm
Location: The Pier-2 Art Center - Dayong C5
駁二倉庫 藝術特區大勇C5倉庫
售票資訊: 憑票入場 | 單人當日進場149元,年齡12歲以下或身高150公分以下之幼童,與持身心障礙手冊及必要陪同者,請出示相關證明文件正本,得免票進場。詳情請洽C5、C7-2、B8、駁二哨船頭售票點。
If, today, in the 21st century, deep in every heart dwelled a princess or a hero, what would they be like?
Push open the door of childhood memories to find fairy tales one simply never getting tired of re- reading; cartoons one never ever getting bored of watching, which are sweet recollections of a child; Princess Dismay always being able to win the love of Prince Charming, and common people persecuted by evil forces always being able to get rescued by heroes, never failing. Images of princesses and superheroes are superb, whose inspiring and diehard attitude have burnt into the imaginations and longings for this world in childhood.
We children, however, are meant to grow up. The truth will only emerge when sugar coatings of reality are peeled off layer after layer. Outdated princess syndromes and hero dreams gradually impact on people’s childhood memories.
Most of today’s well-known stories are from Grimm's Fairy Tales, which is a collection of folktales, myths, and legends first published in 1812 by the Grimm brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. Because the original stories were too controversial for people to accept, the two brothers kept revising, re-editing and toning down the parts not regarded as suitable for children. However, its important value of its touch with social realities and exploration of humanity was deprived at the same time.
The exhibition, “Childhood Memories Collapsed”, will be inviting 8 contemporary artists in Taiwan, through their artwork, to explore modern versions of well- known fairy tales and superheroes in real life.
To tear down the illusion of perfection in the hope of bringing out hidden truths. A counterattack is a force to recover lost ground. While we believe that every story has a happy ending, how will realities counterattack?
Artists: Angela Chen、林慶芳Lin Ching-Fong、游孟書You Meng-Shu、黃瑞貞Huang Jui-Chen、黃沛涵Huang Pei-Hang、黃鈺軒Huang Yu-Hsuan、陳傑強TAN KENT KEONG、張凱翔Chang Kai-Hsiang
參展藝術家: Angela Chen、林慶芳Lin Ching-Fong、游孟書You Meng-Shu、黃瑞貞Huang Jui-Chen、黃沛涵Huang Pei-Hang、黃鈺軒Huang Yu-Hsuan、陳傑強TAN KENT KEONG、張凱翔Chang Kai-Hsiang
主辦單位:高雄市政府文化局 駁二當代館
More information:
CHINESE: http://pier-2.khcc.gov.tw/home02.aspx?ID=%243001&IDK=2&EXEC=D&DATA=3801&AP=%243001_HISTORY-0
ENGLISH: http://pier-2.khcc.gov.tw/eng/home02.aspx?ID=$3001&IDK=2&EXEC=D&DATA=2179&AP=$3001_HISTORY-0