2 MARCH 2024 - 20 APRIL 2024
9 MARCH (SAT.) 4:30 P.M.
TKG+ Projects 2F, No. 15, Ln. 548, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei 11492, Taiwan
Peihang Benoît
HSU Fong-Ray
HSU Fong-Ray
When first coined, the French word for a wanderer "Flâneur" was without a feminine form, as women weren't considered as possible participants in explorative pursuits. The eventual emergence of "Flâneuse"[1] in the early 1900s signalled a shift, and acknowledgement of irreversible change. Benoît’s artistic exploration delves into the evolution of the term "Flâneur" and its gendered counterpart, "Flâneuse."
Her journey, spanning from Taipei to the United States, London, and now Paris, intricately intersects with her newfound role as a mother. In her paintings, the transition from a wandering artist immersed in diverse landscapes to a parent is revealed through the evolving hues of her brushstrokes, navigating memories from past journeys to the present.
In her Parisian chapter, the city serves both as muse and constraint. This exhibition, named after Benoît’s first home in Paris "7 Rue des Fossés Saint-Jacques," encapsulates her nuanced journey—an artist and a woman actively immersed in household maintenance- the everyday life experienced by many. This immersion portrays the repetitive nature of daily life, exploring the delicate balance of family and artistic development. The interrogation of identity also plays a central role in Benoît’s new work. Starting a family, moving to Paris and taking on her husband’s last name, so as to better assimilate into her new city, Benoît, an artist and expatriate who has resided in diverse locales, grapples with questions of belonging and personal experiences.
While her daily routine as a parent has replaced the adventurous travels of her past, within her mental space, she assumes the role of a "Flâneuse," constructing a private world that transcends the limitations of time and space. It is not just a reflection of what she has lost but, more importantly, an abundant celebration of the moments of joy she has discovered. From the familiar spaces of her home and blending them with the ephemeral places she has once been, the celebration of daily affection and the contemplation of competing identities are seamlessly woven into her paintings.
This realm is immortalized through intricate brushstrokes, layered paint, and an array of references spanning from the past travels to the present. The paintings outline poetic narratives about the body, memory, and movement, capturing moments of profound emotion and revealing the interplay of multi-layered identities.
Benoît's journey, depicted in emotionally charged tales, crafts fragmented identities, space, and time. From Peihang Huang to Peihang Benoit, 7 Rue des Fossés Saint-Jacques, Paris, to 15 Lane 548 Ruiguang Road, Taipei , it is a heartfelt portrayal of an artist, a woman, a mother, a wife, situated in the space between movement and stillness, in time and out of time.
巴黎的拉丁區是充滿人文氣息的學區和居住區,當拿破崙三世進行巴黎大改造時,佛西. 聖雅克路的街道慶幸地並沒有被改動得太多,只不過是樓宇多了份奧斯曼建築的味道,而沉眠在巴黎萬神殿裡的雨果卻可能會是第一個跳出來反對,並大聲朗誦著《懲罰集》訴說這罪行的人,但其他偉人說不定還覺得這樣舒適了些。對Benoît而言,巴黎萬神殿卻是阻礙她奔向自由的宏偉建築。這一條每天送孩子去學校的路並不長,大約10分鐘路程,下樓後左轉就是巴黎萬神殿,她已經沒有當初驚嘆的感覺,那只是她必須快點通過,好讓孩子能準時上學的日常建築物而已。巴黎萬神殿就和她站在殿門口便能夠遠眺的巴黎鐵塔是一樣的存在,她似乎被排除在城市空間之外。每天收集起這些空間景象,拼湊成踏入個人空間的識別證,這就是她生活的圖像。
「佛西. 聖雅克路7號」是Benoît家的地址,她在法國的生活是依此為中心所散開的同心圓,是在物質性的都市空間裡,拓展心理空間的基地。展覽中的畫作,微觀地從居家空間出發,揉合記憶裡曾去過的地方與非地方(Non-lieu),在色塊與景物所交接成的輪廓邊沿,描繪著關於身體、記憶與移動的抒情故事。這些作品乍看像是符號,但疑似符號的圖像形成,不論其目的是為了溝通、指示,其實都是為了記憶而做的準備。
展覽本身既不是再現其居住空間,作品亦不是重現某個特定時刻的心情,而是在象徵的表現式下將空間和圖像做為語言,傳達身為一位女性和母親的生命意義。從十年前離開台灣,移動在倫敦、巴黎、台北之間,從黃沛涵到Peihang Benoît,從佛西. 聖雅克路7號到瑞光路548巷15號,移動的內在特徵是不在場,她既存在於其中一個地方,也不在那一個地方。這些分割的身份和時空是她作品畫面上的碎片,那在線性輪廓與平面上所挖掘的深度,是她充滿情感的訴說。這個「室內空間」的展覽,是一個不被分類秩序要求所侵入的收藏空間,好置放這些多出來的自己,以及和她生命所收集、拯救回來之物。
「佛西. 聖雅克路7號」 是身為一個女性,一個母親,一個妻子,一幅關於藝術家的感性圖像,在移動和靜止的時間中,座落於此空間。